Central Fitness Challenge Judging Course Kicked Off on Friday

20 July, 2024

In collaboration with Al-Mamoon University College and under the direct supervision of Dr. Faiz Abdul Hassan, President of the Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation, along with Dr. Haider Rashid and Mr. Tariq Hamid, federation members, as well as a number of athletes and champions, the Central Judging Course for the Fitness Challenge category was launched on Friday in the Central Meeting Hall at Al-Mamoon University College. The event is sponsored by Dr. Aqeel Muftin, President of the Olympic Committee, included the participation of several male and female judges, in preparation for the Iraq Championship set to begin on Sunday, July 21st.

The first day began with an opening speech delivered by Dr. Faiz Abdul Hassan, welcoming the guests and participants, and emphasized the importance of this modern sport and the necessity of conducting such developmental courses for Iraqi coaches and judges. The course then continued with two lectures given by Dr. Maan Al-Shammari focusing on the rules and performance of the silver and bronze levels that will be adopted in the championship, as well as the category for children under sixteen years of age. The course continued over two consecutive days.
