(HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Risk among Youth: Preventive Measures and Spread Control)

05 May, 2024

In accordance with directives from His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and in line with recommendations from the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority, a workshop titled "HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Risk among Youth: Preventive Measures and Spread Control" was organized under the Patronage of Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Hussein Ismail, Dean of Al-Mamoon University College. This event held by Assurance, Quality and University Performance Division, in collaboration with the Directorate of Karkh Health and the National Center for AIDS Control.

The workshop convened heads of scientific departments, department coordinators, faculty members, and students. Various topics were discussed, with particular emphasis on the gravity of HIV/AIDS. The symposium chair highlighted that HIV/AIDS presents a significant global public health challenge, having claimed the lives of 40.4 million people [32.9-51.3 million people] to date, and the infection remains a persistent global concern. Moreover, some countries have reported an increase in new infections, despite previous declines.

Estimates indicate that by the end of 2022, the global population living with HIV reached 39.0 million, with approximately two-thirds (25.6 million) residing in the African region. In the same year, HIV-related deaths totaled 630,000, while 1.3 million individuals were newly infected with the virus. Although a definitive cure for HIV remains elusive, the increasing availability of effective prevention, diagnosis, and treatment methods, including the management of opportunistic infections, has transformed HIV into a manageable chronic health condition. This advancement enables individuals living with HIV to lead long and healthy lives.

